So guess what? If the company with the world’s biggest advertising budget is investing so heavily in digital marketing – shouldn’t you be?
This is a company that has brought us iconic products like Fairy Liquid, Gillette Razors, Always Tampons – and Duracell Batteries! Products that go-on-and-on-and-on (excuse the pun). But, seriously, why is a company like Proctor and Gamble making the switch from more traditional marketing to digital marketing?
Trend-watchers have boldly predicted that digital marketing will increase by an average 8% in 2015. Much of this increase is predicted because businesses are finding digital marketing both more affordable and more easily accessible than traditional marketing methods. And, because of the ever-increasing consumer use of mobile-technology, and more businesses implementing responsive websites to make their user-experience more mobile-friendly, consumers are likely to dictate that digital marketing continues to grow.
From a business point-of-view, analytics and data facilitated by digital marketing techniques also provide a useful tool when analysing how successful marketing campaigns have been, and in what areas they can be improved. This real-time analysis also gives businesses the ability to make changes quickly and plan more effectively.
For small and medium businesses (SMEs), the ability to make inexpensive posts on social-media sites such as Twitter and Facebook affords them a marketing opportunity that would not be financially viable via TV, Radio or newspapers. It also allows them to continually engage the communities they have managed to build and, through the process of social-media sharing, expand those communities accordingly – therefore reaching potential new customers all the time.
These potential new customers aren’t limited to an area or even a country either – as digital marketing allows consumers to share content with friends and colleagues around the world via social-media channels.
Forbes recently posted, “Without a digital marketing strategy in place, new client acquisitions, brand visibility, and impactful revenue generating opportunities will likely be damaged.”
If you’re new to digital marketing, or you’re just looking to improve yours, then you need to look at elements of digital marketing including social-media marketing, organic search, lead nurturing and content marketing – or, perhaps, consider outsourcing your digital marketing to a professional digital marketing agency.
If it’s good enough for Proctor and Gamble… I could go-on-and-on-and-on…
If outsourcing your digital marketing to a professional is something you’re considering, the Tourism Marketing Agency would be delighted to discuss your needs and give you a no-obligation quote.
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