

Email Marketing in Tourism, Part 1
Customers do not wish to be bombarded with email newsletters 4-5 times per week, and believe me that happens.
Marketing Budget Spend
Rick Snowden asked what is the ‘right’ amount to spend on a marketing budget.
Automated Marketing for Tourism
On our Facebook group, Coll Maclean asked about email marketing and how to send more than one email in a sequence.
Social Media Battleground
Don’t just take old content created for one platform and throw it aimlessly at another.
Target Existing Customers
Too many tourism businesses don’t target existing customers nearly enough.
Social Media Buzz
Things move very fast on social media, and you don’t want to miss the buzz.
Prioritise Your Marketing Activities
One piece of advice I can give is to not write all the blogs yourself.
Plan Ahead Of Time
I have seen far too many tourism businesses leave marketing strategies for their peak seasons far too late.
Power of Competitions in Marketing
Social Competitions are a highly effective way to increase exposure, grow your leads, and build more “buzz” around your business.
Engage with YouTube Videos
With the average user watching 32 videos per month, your strategy must include YouTube.
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